Auditing a Class

The cost to audit a TUMI class is a flat-fee of $100 for single students, which covers the tuition cost and the student workbook ONLY. If a student wants any of the required textbooks for the class, he or she can purchase then at cost from TUMI-LA. Married couples click here for designated auditing fees.

The following policies and procedures apply to all students desiring to audit* any TUMI class taken at TUMI-LA:

1. A student auditing a course must obtain approval from both the TUMI-LA site coordinator and the mentor of the course that he/she wants to audit (audit approval form will be required).

2. Auditing students are required to have the designated student workbook assigned for the course (student workbook is included in the flat-fee tuition cost).

3. Purchasing required textbooks for a course is optional (unless otherwise stated by the course mentor).

4. A student desiring to audit a course may not be able to do so due to limited class size and priority given to those students taking that same course for credit. Please check with the TUMI-LA site coordinator for course availability.

5. Student scholarships are not available to those who audit a course (exceptions may be given; however, determination will be on a case-by-case basis with final approval coming from the TUMI-LA site coordinator).

6. Academic credit toward a Certificate or Diploma is not received when a course is audited (students can take the same course for credit at a later date without penalty).

7. A student taking a course as an auditor can change to credit status as long as the switch is made before the first assignment is due (as determined by the course mentor). The student will be required to pay the balance for full tuition.

8. A student taking a course for credit can change to audit status at any time during the course (permission must be obtained by both the TUMI-LA site coordinator and the course mentor). No monetary refunds will be given for differences in tuition cost.

9. A student auditing a course will be required to participate in all classroom discussions and activities at the discretion of the course mentor.

10. Auditing students are not held responsible for completing course work, projects, or exams; however, it is strongly recommended that the course be treated as if it were being taken for credit.

11. There is no limit to the number of courses a student may audit during a given academic calendar year.

12. An audited course will appear on a student's transcript as "AU" and "0.00" as the awarded credit hours earned. An audited course is not included in the student's overall GPA calculation.

*All auditing policies may be changed at any time at the discretion of the TUMI-LA site coordinator.